September 9, 2011 meelis Blog: document templates

Here you can find some simple document forms, that may help to document daily transactions in the company.

Business travel and expenses

Business trip order, car usage journal, expense report


Invoice, bill of delivery


Cashbook, cash receipt, cash withdrawal

Employee relations

Notice of tax-exempt income, vacation application, notice of termination of employment contract

Debt relations

Confirmation of debt, guarantee letter, document of receipt and delivery

Annual report

Balance confirmation (customer), balance confirmation (supplier), document of stocktaking


Documentation of business transactions in a private company is not very strictly regulated in Estonia. Only in very rare cases there are official mandatory document forms for certain transactions.

Most often the law just prescribes what information must certain kind of document contain. For example, general requirements for accounting document are established by Accounting Act. Mandatory requisites for sales invoices with VAT are established by Value Added Tax Act.

But the way what documents exactly look like, who in the company are authorized to sign them and how the procedure of accepting and forwarding the documents to book-keeping is made up is internal matter of the company, being usually regulated by Accounting Rules of the Company.

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